What size duvet suits my mattress the best?

Last Updated: 2 years ago

Are you ready for a new duvet and don't know which size fits you best? Then the size of the mattress is a good starting point. The dimensions of your duvet will always be slightly larger than those of your mattress. This is because the duvet will hang over the edge of your bed at both the sides and the bottom.

  • For an average single bed, a duvet is 140 cm wide and 220 cm long.
  • For an average double bed a duvet is 240 cm wide x 220 cm long
  • Is your mattress 160 cm or 180 cm wide? Then choose a 240 cm wide duvet
  • Is your mattress 200 cm wide? Then choose a duvet of 260 cm wide
  • Does your mattress have a length of 200, 210 or 220 cm? Then choose a duvet with a length of 220 cm


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